Kathryn A. Stannard, LICSW,CAS




Our relationships with significant others can provide a tremendous sense of connection, identity, validation and belonging. When relationships are in trouble, we risk feeling disconnected, alienated, and lonely. The tools for connection are rarely taught in school, so we wind up inventing them based on our experiences and frequently are misunderstood.

Examples of reasons individuals, couples, families and friends seek relationship counseling:


• You and your partner are in a new relationship and want to make sure your give it the best chance possible by learning communication skills that will enhance intimacy

• You and a partner have been in a long term relationship, have hit some bumps in the road, and need some fine tuning to rediscover the joy in connection with each other.

• You and relatives are dealing with a family crisis – death in the family, move, divorce, conflict over parenting, health issues, change in lifestyle, substance abuse.

• You and a partner have decided to end a relationship and would like help in planning how to do this in a respectful manner, or plan on how to co-parent in ways that will be most responsive to the needs of your children

• You have difficulty in handling a relationship with a parent or child and would like help with creating an easier, loving, more enjoyable family life, honoring the strengths, needs and differences of all members.